The Rains and Peoples Car’s Tires Mess Up the Old Road

Thursday February 27, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Road work

The locals have the old road pretty torn up in some spots, so today, I went up there to see about fixing things up a bit, mostly hauling rock to the wet messy parts where they cause water to run down the steep parts of the road, mostly from making tire ruts in the road. They just drive in the same old rut with their tires which causes water to run down the road and make wet spots. I’ve asked them to drive all over the road, but it just doesn’t seem to get through to them, so they mess the road up and make it worse for themselves, which makes more work for me to try to keep it open for them.

Anyway, I rode on up through the state park to where Skiddy was parked and started it up to warm it up a bit.rigs1

I hauled rock to the soft spots pretty much all day.

I had to stop  here to throw some pieces of redwood wood off the road as it’s hard to make things smooth other wise.skiddy2

I threw these chucks of redwood wood off the road then smoothed the road out.wood3

At the end of the day, I parked next to Skiddy and filled up the it’s fuel tank with diesel.fualing4

It’s nice to have an electric pump to help transfer the fuel, otherwise it would be a real pain to hold up those slow emptying fuel containers.fuel5

On the way down the road, I stopped here to fix this ditch to stop water from going down the road. The water is coming from small springs along the road.wet6

I went on home from there.

Nice day.

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Tom Works On Pruning Some of My Fruit Trees In the Yard

Wednesday February 26, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Yard work

Tom said he’d do some pruning in my yard today. He brought his equipment over and set up to get started.tom1

Here he is pruning some apple trees in my back yard.trimming2

He’s using his hand shears to cut the small stuff.pruning3

I helped him pick up some of the brush and took it over to our dump trailer.hens4

Of course the chickens tried to help out a bit.hens5

He finished with these trees and they look pretty good.trees6

We loaded up the dump trailer with the brush and he took it up into the hills to dump it.trailer7

He pruned these plum trees back a bit.trees8

And I worked on getting the brush in the trailer.brush9

I was beat after that and was sitting in the front yard after the sun went down

I knew this woodpecker sleeps in this nesting box every night so I watched as it tried to get into the nest without being seen. It knew I was watching it, so it flew away several times before coming back and trying again before it finally flew into the nest.woodpecker

Nice day.

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