Plans Change With the Weather

Wednesday January 1, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Plans change

I’d planned to go up into the hills and move some more rock on the old road…………….But.

I did go up there, but I had to add another shirt before I left as it was a fairly cold day.


I stopped here to put these little ditches in the road to help get the water off it that is crossing it from a spring coming out of the hillside.DSC04528

These are just temporary ditches until I have time to get all the rock on the road.ditches

I was planning to rock the road, but the sun wasn’t out and it looked like it might rain any minute, so with the cold, I canceled the rock work for the day.

I headed towards home going down through our property and stopped here thinking I’d throw this tree I cut up the other day off the road,……… but, not today.rig

I got out and looked at the cutup tree and decided against it as I wasn’t into it today.brush4

I continued on down the hill and ran into Tom dumping some brush off the side of the road. He’d been pruning some of his fruit trees and was getting rid of the brush.tom5

Nice and warm

It had started to rain again, so I went on home and spent the rest of the day in the house where it was nice and warm.

I did some napping and spent some time setting up the blog software on my newer computer, so this blog will be a test to see if I set the software up properly.

It posted so I guess I set it up right.

Oh, Happy New Year to every one.

Nice day, spent mostly in the nice warm house.

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