Practicing Making Videos While Paddling Around Jenner, VBlog

Wednesday May 25, 2022 Jenner CA.

Low wind day

It’s  been mostly windy down at Jenner but today the wind was down to a breeze. I needed my kayak fix.

And I need to practice making videos so I worked on making a VBlog  for the day.

VBlog is here.

It was a real nice day.

Here I am down at the end of the river just sitting and taking in the day.river


I watched the harbor seals for awhile.kazt seals


And I thought the boat ramp was real scenic with the flowers blooming by it.boatramp


Watch the video to see more.

Nice day.

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One Response to Practicing Making Videos While Paddling Around Jenner, VBlog

  1. Barb in Florida says:

    Thanks for the video Bob.
    Wish more people would remember the like button.

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