Picking Up the New Shackles For the Van And Some Visiting

Tuesday May 24, 2022 Guerneville CA.

Picking up my van’s new shackles

I had to order them the other day and pay for them. So all I had to do was drive the half hour to the store and  pick them up. I had some other shopping to do but wasn’t into it, so it could wait.

One of the shackles on the van was all broken up. I decided to get two sets and replace the other set too, just because I can.shackles


I’ll get to installing those parts soon.


After picking up the shackles I headed the short distance to my friend Marty’s place for a visit.

He wasn’t home when I got there so I shot the bull with Patti, his wife and he showed up shortly. One of the things we needed to discuss was our trip in a couple weeks up the coast to Usal in the Lost Coast Area. We settled that and shot the bull some more and I took off for home.


I’d put my bedding in the wash this morning and put it out to dry in the sun. When I got home I made the bed and it was just too inviting so I crawled in for a good nap.

It was a lazy day so I didn’t get anything else done, but at least my parts came in and I got them.

Kitty Kat came by while I was out in the evening. She was on the hunt and just passed me on by.kat


Nice day.

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2 Responses to Picking Up the New Shackles For the Van And Some Visiting

  1. Ken+Solbakken says:

    It’s always inspirational to read your blogs. As we get older our strengths and limitations on working is much less than our younger days. Our brains need to take over and imagine easier new ways on what we used to do so easily when we were young. I haven’t been doing a whole lot lately, but I did enjoy yesterday at Doran beach with Janis and my grandson Wes. I’ve been thinking about and grieving the loss of my sister. Hope it passes soon.
    Sorry to hear Johnny is having some health issues. I hope he can have a full recovery!
    Still planning to make a visit before long, I remembered the time frame. Keep up the good work.

  2. Patritia I Richards says:

    Clean fresh smelling sheets are sure an invitation!

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