Putting Skiddy To Work and Hauling Rocks

Tuesday September 10, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest work

Tom and I rode up to where the skidder was parked after we got the track back on it yesterday. He dropped me off and went back home while I went to work with Skiddy.Tom1

Prep work

Today, I was doing some prep work on an old road that needs some repair work done on it.

I stopped here to get one of those big rocks to put in a hole on the side of the road that had washed out. I hauled it back up the road to where the hole was and dumped the rock in the hole, pushing it down in the dirt, so it wouldn’t roll down the hill.rocks2


Then I drove over to a spot in the road where there was spring with a culvert that crossed the road that was partially plugged up. I dug out some of the dirt there and the big ferns came with the dirt.ferns3

Old road

Next I drove up to this old road that goes to my cousin’s spring that got blocked over the years and needed to be opened up.road4

Darn tracks

I was working on that a road when I heard the dreaded clunk, clunk of the track coming off so I stopped and got out to have look. I was able to just back up and get the track back on properly.  I’m learning that these rubber tracks don’t like uneven surfaces much.track5

I was just finishing opening up that old road when Tom came by in his rig to see what I was up to. I was just finishing up for the day.roads6

Driveway rocks

But I still  had some more work to do on the way home. I got a load of small rocks and dumped them on  my cousin’s driveway and spread them out, on the way home.

More rocks

There was a creek crossing down below on the way home so I picked up a load of this larger rock and headed down the hill where it was needed.rocks7

I dumped the load of rocks in the creek crossing. I think I almost have enough rock in that crossing, maybe one more load.rock8

Last load

I still had one more load of rock to pick up, so I got a  scoop and headed for home with it. I have to go through this gate to exit the property.gate9

I dumped the load of rock by this shed I put up, not long ago.pile10

I used a shovel to spread out that rock and now I was done for the daychickens11

Nice day.

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