Putting Skiddy To Work Up In the Forest

Sunday June 2, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Skiddy work

I had some work to do with Skiddy for some neighbors up in the hills.  I needed the bucket loader so I changed it onto the rig. It has a quick connect system so is fairly easy to change.bucket1

Downed trees

I headed up into the forest and ran into this tree across the road. I used the bucket to get it off the road so I could pass on by.tree2

Shortly after that, I ran into another one across the road so removed that one also.tree3


I made it up to the rock slide area to get a load of larger rocks.rocks4

I was hauling it over to the neighbor’s when I hit a bump and lost some rocks so I had to stop and pick them up. Those rocks got dumped in a road ditch that was getting too big, just up ahead.rocks5

After dumping those rocks, I headed on back to my cousin’s place to do some repairs on their driveway.road6

Driveway  work

I needed some smaller rock for this, but had a hard time finding some good stuff to use, so I had to make do with what I could find close by.rocked7

After working on her driveway for a couple of hours, I went back to the rock slide and got another load of the larger stuff and hauled it over to the area I dumped the first load earlier.rock9

Fish habitat

Then I went back to the rock slide area and got one more load of larger rocks and headed over to my small pond and put some of the rocks in the pond edge for fish habitat.pondrock10

I took the rest of the load down to this ditch and dumped the rocks in the road crossing to prevent things from washing out during a rain storm.rock11

Planting ferns

On the way home I got a load of smaller rock and stopped here at this spring to plant the green ferns that were in the rock in the bucket.spring12

I planted them in the spring runoff ditch up there on the right.ferns13

The ferns look real nice planted there.ferns14

I took the rest of that rock load down the road a ways and spread it out on the road where there was a muddy spot when it rains.


Once home, I hit the cherry trees and consumed as many cherries as I could stuff into myself.

Nice day.

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