Rain, Shopping For Oil and Nuts and Bolts

Wednesday January 10, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Rainy day

It was cool and raining off and on all day. Seemed like a good day to get out and do a little shopping.

Tractor supply

I needed some oils for Skiddy, so I went to Tractor supply to get some. I found the oil I needed and then hit the nuts and bolts section. I’ve used up all my common nuts and bolts  making stuff through the years so I needed to replenish some of the stuff. Lucky they sell nuts and bolts by the pound, so I could just grab a plastic bag and throw in each part in it’s own bag without counting stuff which made things easy to keep track of. They just weigh the whole mess all at once and I paid and was out of there.

Red diesel

I needed to fill up my fuel containers with red diesel so I stopped at a gas station that sells that on the way home and filled up my containers. Red diesel is for off road use only and has less taxes. Get caught using the red stuff in a road rig and  you are in big trouble and big fines. Road rigs use Blue diesel which is taxed heavier.

When I got home I was going to put some more fuel in the dozer, but it was drizzling lightly, so I just went inside for a nap.

Nice day.

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