Rainy Day Shopping and Fueling Up

Thursday February 29, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Rainy day

The weather guys said it was going to rain today and it did some of that on and off.

Not wanting to spend all day in the house, It seemed like a good idea to go do some shopping and load up with fuel, diesel and gas for my stuff.

Shopping at Tractor Supply

I thought I’d head over to Tractor Supply as it was out of the main stream of things which I like.

I was looking for a shovel and some loppers and some other stuff, so I walked the cart all around the store to see what they had to offer finding a few other things I was in need of.

It was raining hard while I was at the store so I failed to get out in the yard to have a look around.

Getting some fuel

The shopping taken care of I headed for home and stopped at a gas station that also sold red diesel which is off road diesel. I’d brought along a number of containers for the diesel and some gas too.

Food for me

Back in Guerneville, I went to the grocery store and bought some stuff for me and went on home for a nap.

Nice day.

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One Response to Rainy Day Shopping and Fueling Up

  1. Prichie says:

    We all get those rainy days and getting errands taken care of is an okay plan as long as you don’t get soaked when you step out of the store!

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