Road Check, Goats, and Some Overlook Trail Work

Tuesday December 34, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest road check

I headed on up through the park on this road to check on the dirt road I’m trying to get rocked up in the hills, just ahead. It rained hard last night so I thought I should check it out and fix anything that needed it.park1

Most of the road looks real good as it’s out-sloped and most of the water runs off it, instead of down it. I did stop here to cut a small ditch to help get this spring across the road.ditch2

Goat Lady

I headed on up the road and rain into one of my neighbors that lives up there, the Goat Lady. She has a couple hundred goats or so and said she is going to start grazing them around the hills each day where they are doing some fire prevention work and would also run them down the road to where the pack station was. I asked if they ate Scotch Broom and the answer was yes. I suggested she also take her goats over to my cousin’s place to eat the broom there and maybe up on our place to eat the broom there.

I had to stop here to throw these fallen tree branches off the road.sticks3

I stopped to visit  my cousin t0 make sure she was ok with the goats on her place. No problem.


Then I worked my way over to this overlook to look and take a break. As I sat there, I was thinking this trail to the chair could use some widening out a bit.chair4

I did some digging and sitting in the chair and eventually I got things dug around the stump.dirt5

And got the trail out to the chair much improved.trail6

The rain clouds had just cleared out and the sun came out, but was about ready to go down behind the mountains to the west.sundown7

I made my way down to this spot, the water  hole.rig8

Lots of water coming down the pipe now to keep the hole full of water. Mostly, birds use this water hole to drink and bathe.waterhole9


On the way home, I stopped at my brother’s garden to see about getting an apple. I did find some late ones that were real good.apples10

Nice day.

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One Response to Road Check, Goats, and Some Overlook Trail Work

  1. Barb says:

    Nice looking apples.
    Merry Christmas, Bob!

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