Rocking the Dirt Road To Beat the Rain

Tuesday December 10, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Road work

I rode on up to here where my equipment is parked and warmed up the Skidder in the middle,


Rain was on the way, maybe tomorrow, so I needed to get some more rock on the road, so the neighbors that live back  here in the hills can get in and out of their places.

Hauling rock to fix soft spots

I got a load of rock in my bucket and headed down the road to fix a soft spot.rock

Soft spot

I spent most of the day hauling rock to this spot, a hairpin turn that goes off to the right around the big redwood tree. There’s a lot of soft dirt here which might get real sloppy if I don’t rock it.rocking

I’d dump a load of rock and then head back up the road to get another bucket full of rock, about a half mile up.traveling

I did that most of the day until around 4, my machine needed fuel so I stopped for the day.

My fuel was down in my yard, so I’ll have to fuel the machine up tomorrow before I start moving more rock if I don’t get rained out.

Nice day.

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