Sore Arm and Working On the Fuel Transfer Bracket

Sunday March 3, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Sore wrist and arm

Using that Sawzall to cut roots really did a job on my wrist and arm and they are real sore and send out some real sharp pains in certain positions, so today I was going to try and take it easy on that arm. Hopefully, the hurts will heal up in time.

Redwood tree limbs broke

While I was walking around the yard this morning I noticed some big branches fell off these redwood trees sometime during the night.branaches1

The limbs are pretty big so if one breaks off above the rest, it falls and breaks off some more of them. No damage, but now I need to clean them up for some firewood.limbs2

Fuel transfer bracket

I needed to find a piece of metal to make the fuel transfer bracket for the side by side so I hunted through my stuff. I let the chickens into the front yard as the rain showers had stopped for a bit.chickens3

I had a hard time finding a piece of metal that would work, but finally found an old metal  bed frame in my scrap pile that would work.

Just as I started to work on cutting the metal up for the bracket, it started to rain again.metal7

The chickens headed in for cover as the rain picked up.rain4

They huddled up in this spot to keep dry.hens5

A bit before the rain stopped they all went back out to graze. I was wondering how they knew the rain would stop shortly, maybe because it got a bit lighter.hens6

When the rain did stop, I started cutting the bed frame up to get two of these pieces to make the bracket to fit on a pipe on the side by side.piece8

I’m trying the bracket out in this picture. I’ll hold it on with a clamp but first I need to put some paint on it.bracket9


I found my new mirror for the side by side in the mail box so installed it. Mirrors help a lot while backing up in the forest.mirror10

Nice day.

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