Traveling North, Over Heating and Where’s a Camp Spot and an Update

Wednesday September 25, 2024

Moving out

We woke up  here at one of our camp spots and started readying for a day of travel.camp1

We had our coffee by the creek and discussed the plans for the day.creek2

The road is called the Janesville Grade and drops down into Janesville where I got some cell service and posted blogs.road3

Hot hot

We traveled up highway 395. When I pulled up to a flag guy for road work, I noticed my van temperature gauge was a little bit on the hot side so I pulled into this rock area to see what was wrong. I looked everything over and couldn’t find much wrong. I thought the coolant level was a bit low so I topped it off and we took off again to test it out. That was it, now where was that fluid going to get low like that. It looked like the engine coolant drain plug was maybe a tiny bit loose so I tightened that up and we were off.van4

It was after 3 PM so it was time to look for a camp spot for the night, but the area we were in wasn’t good for finding one so we drove on up 395 looking for a side road or something where we might find a camp spot.395

It was getting close to dark when I spotted a big pile of dirt on a place to the side of the road so I pulled off to check it out. The pile wasn’t big enough to hide two vans but if wasn’t real necessary as this highway gets real quiet late at night. But off to the side of that pile was a little dirt road that went a few hundred feet to this spot. Perfect and just before it got dark.camp6


I’ve had these crawdads in the fridge so got them out to steam them up. There weren’t very many of them but they were real tasty.crawdads

It was real windy when we arrived but it soon died down so we could set out and enjoy the evening for a bit.sunset8


We will continue North on highway 395 to Burns Or. and turn south east onto 78 headed to the Pillars of Rome at Rome on highway 95, but not taking highway 95 to get there, but going cross country on some back roads we haven’t been on before.

I purchased some epoxy today so I will try to do a repair on my computer’s broken hinge.

Nice day.


A change in plans. Marty got his leg slammed by his van’s door when  a strong wind caught it. He got a big bump on it and it hurts some but he seems to be ok. It’s also his van’s clutch leg, so we decided it might be better not to go further away from home and be way out  in the boonies than we are and besides we have plenty to explore back where we came from. We are in Alturas CA. now and will travel the short distance south on 395 to a real small place called Likely. The road there leads up into the Warner mountains and that’s where we are headed, likely to camp for the night. Then we will go down the backside of the mountain and head into the desert to Smokey creek road and eventually end up back at the Plumas area where we were earlier.

We’ll be out of cell service back in that area.

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