Woodchips, Forest Ride and Stainless Steel For Making Wine

Thursday March 20, 2025 Guerneville CA.


I heard a commotion out in my front yard this morning. A load of woodchips got unloaded. Tom was out there pushing the woodchips up into a pile. Barry showed up for a dirt bike ride up into the forest.woodchips1

The woodchip guys had more loads of woodchips to bring. We left Tom there to deal with that and Barry and I went for a dirt bike ride in the forest.

We rode around and then went into the back country to visit a neighbor but he wasn’t at his place. We rode around a bit on his place then rode around on our place for a bit, eventually stopping at our overlook break area.view2

It was a bit chilly in the shaded forest, but at the top, it was warmer with some sun.view3

Steep fire road

When we got ready to  leave the break area, Barry decided he’d go down this steep fire trail to check it out as I’d done some work on it recently to improve the water bars on it to make it easier to get by them. I looked down that road and told Barry I’d wait for him back at the top.

This is the steep trail down from the top that Barry rode down to check out. I’m waiting for him to come riding back up it.trail4

Barry made it down the trail ok and came riding back up the trail and said the trail was pretty good.hill5

Wine making stuff

One of the reasons we rode over to the neighbor’s place this morning was to see if  he was interested in Barry’s wine making stuff that Tom had built for him. He had to retire from making wine when he lost the place where he was getting his grapes.

Anyway, we stopped at the place the wine making stuff was stored so I could get some pictures of the stuff.

The stuff was all made out of stainless steel, the best stuff one can use for making wine.pots6

Barry is checking stuff out and telling me what each piece was used for during the wine making process.pots7

More woodchips

We made it back to my house. More woodchips had been delivered and Tom had them all piled up nicely. He said we needed to get the big stuff loaded so he could dispose of it.woodchips8

We got this stuff loaded on his side by side.trash9

We also picked up the debris on this pile so Tom could take it up into the hills and dump it, to get rid of it.loading10

Nice day.

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