Working On Marty’s Van’s Solar Setup

Saturday June 1, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Marty visits

Marty came by with his old van which looks a lot like my van. He’s been installing solar panels and a controller and lithium battery and things aren’t working well. The lithium battery isn’t charging.marty1

Marty’s van

We got the tools out and started troubleshooting his problem as the solar panels weren’t charging his lithium battery. We checked all the wires and the connections more than once, just to be sure and finally determined that his new controller was bad and would need to be replaced.

Forest ride

Then we hopped in Hondo and rode on up into the forest to check on this spot where we put a water outlet from a spring higher up on the hillside, the other day. The water was flowing nicely here.water2


Then we rode around some and eventually ended up here at our break spot for a break.view3

We sat here for quite some time as it was very pleasant.seats4

Eventually we had to leave and worked our way back to my place where Marty took off for his place.


I ate some more cherries. Nothing like filling up on cherries fresh off the tree.cherries5

And I ate some razzberries as they are also getting ripe fast.razberries6


And I started to remove the blade on Skiddy to install my other scoop bucket on it. But this is as far as I got for now. I’ll put the other bucket on tomorrow.blade7

Nice day.

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