Working On the Van’s Cooling System Upgrade and Incubating eggs

Thursday April 30, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Van’s cooling system upgrade work

I had enough parts now to work on the van’s cooling system upgrade so I worked on that most of the day.van


Made some brackets

I made some brackets to move the radiator closer to the engine to give more room for air to get to the radiator.

Looking at the radiator from the bottom.bracket


I made the two brackets to  hold the radiator and installed the radiator so I could mount my two electric fans which is going to take some adjusting the fan’s mounting


I worked on that most of the day and got a lot done but I still have plenty to do to finish the job. One more part is coming tomorrow so I can continue working on things.

Starting the egg incubator process

Around 4 I stopped and gathered up enough eggs to put in the chicken egg incubator to start the hatching process which takes about 21 days from the start of incubation. I put in 50 eggs. Usually not all of them will hatch. I learned to put a towel over the incubator to help keep the heat in which helps a lot.incubator


There’s the 50 eggs on the automatic egg turner.eggs


It was good to get the eggs on there way to hatching.

Making a brooder

I also looked at using this little incubator as a brooder as the new chickens need to be keep warm about 90 degrees F. for a bit when they are first born. A little work on the wooden box should make it all work out ok.brooder



I spent the evening chair hopping and moving the water sprinklers around in the yard to water the weeds for the chickens.

Nice day working on the old van and getting stuff done and was happy to get the new chicks started on their way.

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One Response to Working On the Van’s Cooling System Upgrade and Incubating eggs

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    I’m excited about the incubator too! I’m impressed with the fact that it turns them.

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