Filling In My Cousin’s Ditches On Her Roads

Saturday October 19, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Putting Skiddy to work

I planned to go up into the hills today and remove some ditches from my cousin’s roads as ditches collect water and cause a lot of erosion problems, beside being high maintenance when storms hit. People put ditches in roads that are sometimes unnecessary. Most of the time there are better methods to deal with water control on roads than using ditches, such as just out-sloping the road so water just runs off it, instead of down it.

Headed up the hill to work

Anyway, I hopped into Skiddy’ and warmed it up a a bit then took off for the hills. About half way up, I realized I forgot my camera and my watch. No pics, but I could tell the time by how beat I was and where the sun was, oh, and how dusty I got while working. The dust piles up on you the longer you work in it. Not  my favorite thing while running equipment.

Filling up ditches

I worked on filling up the ditches with rock and dirt I carved off the hill, just above the spot in the ditch I was filling.

Goat Lady

I was working away, when the Goat Lady drove up in her truck. I’d said I’d load her truck up with dirt that she needed, so I stopped what I was doing and loaded up her truck. She took off for home, down the other side of the hill to shovel the dirt out of her truck.

I went back to work filling in that ditch and got that one done then started filling the other ditch on another road.

Humpity bump

After that, I put a hump in the road covering up their water supply pipe that crosses the road from their spring. I tried to  make an easy going hump, not short and steep and bumpy, but a long smooth, rolling hump that was easy to drive over.

Headed for home

By then I was nice and dusty, so it must be time to get on home, so I headed down the hill, stopping to pick up a scoop of rock to put in my creek bulkhead at home.

Once home, I dumped the load of rock in the bulkhead, getting most of the rock where I wanted it. Looks like it will take a few more loads of rock for that project.


I used the air compressor to remove most of the dush on me and then closed up the chickens for the night.

Nice day.

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