A Bit of a Break Before the Next Round Hits

Friday January 6, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Sprinkling today

When I got it going today and went outside it was sprinkling lightly and it continued all day.

Bait stations

I checked the rat stations and found they were eating a lot of it during the rains so I got the stuff out and refilled the containers. This one and the one in my chicken coop. That’s the creek in the background and is doing just fine for now. That creek goes down hill fast enough, it doesn’t flood here.bait


Phone guy

The phone guy was supposed to show up sometime today by 8PM and so far I haven’t seen him.


And still no power,  my neighbor says the power would be back on, on the eighth, so a couple more days of a noisy generator.

In the  mean time my brother says his new refrigerator wasn’t working, maybe the generator got it?

Otherwise, I stayed in the house most of the day and occasionally went outside to pick up downed sticks in the yard.

The next part of this rain storm is coming in sometime tonight. It shows not that many inches of rain and I’m not sure about the wind. The wind is what causes a lot of damage when you  live in a forest, especially to lines on poles.

Anyway, I’ll just keep plugging away until it’s over.

Nice day.

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2 Responses to A Bit of a Break Before the Next Round Hits

  1. Deb says:

    The creek water looks to be moving quite quickly, glad it gets away fast. Stay safe.

  2. Patsy+Irene says:

    Sure hope it doesn’t last too much longer! But I know you’ll be just fine!

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