A Day Of Kayaking On the Russian River

Tuesday August 13, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Kayaking day

I hadn’t been kayaking in a long time so I thought I’d go down to Jenner to kayak for the day. I drove on down there and out to the overlook at the river’s mouth which looked real nice.rivermouth1

There were some harbor seals resting on the sandy beach.seals3

The river on the left and the ocean on the right looked real nice.river31

Jammed up

When I went back to the boat ramp, I saw it was packed and most of the parking was taking up, so I drove back to Monte Rio to paddle as I knew it wasn’t all jammed up.

I put my boat in the water and headed slowly down stream.river2

I continued on down the river at my slow pace. Not too many people on this part of the river.river3

I made it down to here before I stopped for a good long break which I take in my boat.river4

Osprey nest

This Osprey nest looks pretty bad. When it rains this will blow some fuses. They replaced an old wooden square box with this newer type since the last time I was down here. This never happened with the older box, but the older box wasn’t good for nesting as it had sides on it that predators could land  on and kill the young birds.nest5

Eventually, I started working my way back up the river.river6

I went by these merganser ducks that were feeding away.mergansers7

River otters

I spotted these river otters working their way down stream, so I moved back a bit and cut them off so I could get a picture of them. I watched them for a bit, until they disappeared.otters8

I continued my paddle up the river and was almost back to the boat ramp at Monte Rio.river9

I sat here for a spell until I went over to the boat ramp across the river there and pulled my boat out of the water and went on home.ramp10

Once home, a short nap was in order.

Apricot tree removal

This tree is going to get in the way of my new carport I  just ordered, so I have to remove it.tree11

I cut all it’s branches off to make it easier to deal with and packed them to my brush pile, a short distance away.cutup12

Eventually, I’ll use Skiddy to pull that stump out of the ground.stump13

I have three other apricot trees so shouldn’t miss this one too much.

Nice day.

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4 Responses to A Day Of Kayaking On the Russian River

  1. Judith says:

    OH. Apricots. My favorites. My father said they would only produce once every 7 years, but he planted one anyway. I don’t know if that’s true, but it did seem a long time between noticeable production. Of course that is in TX and if it’s not a freeze it’s a drought or something…..

    • Bob says:

      They produce about every other year around here if it doesn’t rain while they are blooming. Mine are just starting to produce fruit and I think they’ve been in the ground for about three years. I have to fight the birds for them. :O)

  2. PatsyIrene says:

    Nice kayak day!
    Sad about the apricot tree but if you need the room, your others will provide you with fruit, I imagine. :)

    • Bob says:

      I had a hard time making the decision to take it out that tree as I planted it a few years ago and it was just getting into it’s fruit production time.

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