A Perched Eagle, Resting Harbor Seals and Rain Paddling on the Russian River

Wednesday December 17, 2014 Jenner CA.

I could hear the rain coming down again this morning before I got up, but it was supposed to be mostly showers for most of the day, so I headed on down to Jenner with my rain gear.

Steve’s car was in the parking lot, but I couldn’t’ see him in his boat anywhere, so I put my boat in the water and crossed over to Penny Island to decide where to go today. It wasn’t raining and the wind was down.  It was still high tide, so the river current was less for now, so I decided to head on down to check out what was happening at the river’s mouth.

Headed for the open river’s mouth

This was my view as I started heading down towards the river’s mouth. Nice.russianriver


Perched eagle

AS I neared the west end of Penny Island, I spied this bald headed eagle perched on this stick, just resting.eagle2


It sat there on that stick as I went on by it.eagle


Resting harbor seals

As I was approaching the mouth, I passed by some harbor seals resting on the sandy beach, with some seagulls.seals


The ocean on the other side of that sandy beach was on the rough side, whereas the river was fairly calm on this side of it.ocean


Open river’s mouth

As I neared the end of the river, I took this picture of the open river’s mouth. The river is mostly flowing out on the right side of Haystack rock, that big rock in the middle that resembles a hay stack. This was as close as I got with my boat as the current was picking up and I didn’t want to go out in the ocean, so I turned around here.mouth


Back to Penny Island

From there, I headed back over to Penny Island and paddled up the back channel, heading up the river.

I passed by one of the big redwood stumps they planted up the river which floated down here and stopped in this spot, for now.stump


Looks like rain

The clouds were starting to get darker, so I pulled over to shore and put my rain pants on. The weather guy said showers would increase in the afternoon, so I was getting prepared.

As I was putting my boat back in the water, I saw Steve across the river headed my way.

We decided to head up the river on the south side, the way I was going.

We stopped here and there and poked into the debrie checking out all the stuff that had floated down the river from the recent rains.

The rain starts

The rain held off until we got to the Eagle’s landing area, where we got hit with a shower. We decided to try and wait it out under a tree at that spot.

This was my view up the river while we tried to wait out the shower here.rain


Steve had his umbrella to help him out while we sat at eagle’s landing.steve


Paddling in the rain

After about a half hour of waiting for the shower to stop, we decided it wasn’t going to and continued on up the river in the rain.

This is one of the places we stopped for a bit on the way up the river, looking back towards town of Jenner.rain2


We pulled under this big fir tree for a bit to take a break. The tree was fairly well saturated with water by now, so it didn’t offer much protection from the rain, but it was still a nice place to take a break. This place is called Dead Deer Gulch.tree


Paddled up near the bridge

It continued to rain as we paddled almost up to the bridge on the highway, before turning around and starting back for the day. The bridge is about a mile and a half above Jenner.

We crossed the river over to Paddy’s rock where we passed by this grebe.grebe


The rain stops

Just past that, the rain stopped. It was calm and very nice out as we paddled along, checking things out, headed back.

It was about four thirty PM as we approached the town of Jenner where the boat ramp is.jenner


As we approached the boat ramp, it started to shower again. We took our boats out and loaded up and went on home.

Of course, I hung my stuff up to dry and took it easy for the rest of the day.

Another nice day out on the water paddling around. Sure beats staying home and raiding the fridge all day. :O)

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