Playing in the Mud or Treasure Hunting and Paddling Around the Estuary

Thursday December 18, 2014 Jenner CA.

Ray was at the boat ramp at Jenner when I pulled in today. We decided to head on down and check out the river’s mouth area, so off we went.

It was a bit overcast and a bit windy as we pushed off.clouds


The wind slowed up a bit as we approached the mouth area.

There were some harbor seals resting on the sandy beach as we passed on by.seals


We passed by this huge mound of sand the ocean had piled up on the breach. It’s amazing how much sand the ocean pushes around in this area.sand


Some Brown Pelicans flew in and landed in the water near us and started bathing and preening.pelican


The current was picking up as we approached the open mouth, so we didn’t get too close.

Looking out the open river’s mouth into the Pacific ocean.mouth


We stayed in the area for just a bit as the current made it hard to stay in one place for long.

Taking salt content measurements in the sand

Ray spotted these biologist types on the sand. I think they were taking salt content measurements in the sand. They had bored holes in the sand last summer which they would have to find and dig up to lower their measurement gear into the holes to take measurements. One guy has a spool of wire with the test equipment on the end , the guy in the middle.biologists


Hunting for treasures

Ray and I decided to go ashore just past them on our way back up the river. We stopped here and looked through the debrie for treasures, not finding anything worth keeping. The shoreline has a bunch of mud on it which is hard to stay out of.boats2


When we put the boats back in the water we ran into these two ducks. There seems to be quite a few ducks on the water right now of different types.ducks


Treasure hunting on Penny Island

We decided to go ashore on Penny Island and look around a bit. We pulled our boats into this spot. There’s quite a bit of mud in the grasses from the recent high water, so we got a bit muddy. We went ashore here, but the boats are hard to see in the photo.island


Inside the box of balls

I wanted to see what was inside the ball box we found the other day, so we opened it and this is what’s left inside.ballbox


We went for a little walk across the island looking around and found this nice wooden chair placed at a convenient spot on the island by the high waters. I may get to use that chair a few times before the water takes it back.islandchair


We saw these two deer that seem to live on the island.deer


I did good and didn’t pick up any treasures, but Ray found a nice duck decoy and a full bottle of expensive sun lotion of some kind.ducky


It was starting to look like it might shower as we put our boats back in the water and headed up the island back channel. We paddled up the river just a short distance past Penny island and then turned down river into the current and drifted back to the boat ramp. It started to sprinkle lightly as we took our boats out for the day and went on home.

Nice day playing in the mud and paddling around the estuary.

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