A Short Paddle Then I Headed Over to the Radiator Shop

Tuesday September 13, 2016 Jenner CA.

Sunny and windy

My plan today was to go down to Jenner to kayak and after, head over to Santa Rosa to take my van’s heater core to the radiator shop to get it repaired.

The wind was blowing a little as I put my boat in the water this morning, but not too bad. The sun was out too. I paddled over to the little channel on the upper end of Penny Island.

Just entering the little channel here.channel


I’m in the channel out of the wind and looking up the river.channel2


My mind seemed to be more into the heater core than kayaking. I decided to go on down along the island to it’s lower end and headed out down the north side.island


I passed by these mallard ducks in the weeds.ducks


Not many fish eating birds around today

Not many birds on the water today, especially the fish eaters as when the mouth is closed, the fresh water layer on top gets deeper so the surface fish are harder to catch, that’s one of the reasons the biologists would like to have the mouth closed more, to help protect the fish from predation from birds.

I stopped often as I went and just sat and rested and watched.islandend


I pulled into this spot for a bit near the lower end of the island.spot


Headed back in already

Like I said, my mind seemed to be more on the heater core repair, so I hung around the lower end of the island for a bit, then started back up along the islands edge again, stopping here in the grasses. That’s the town of Jenner in the background.jenner


I moved up a bit and stopped again here.satspot


I passed by the ducks again, but this time they were hiding from me.duckends


David from the Bodega Bay Marine Lab

As I neared the boat ramp, I could see David from the Bodega Bay Marine Lab putting his boat in the water.david


David collects data with this contraption. It measures dissolved oxygen, salinity, and temperature and I think depth also as it’s lowered down in different places on the river. This gives them a profile of the layers in the river.device2


Dave at the radiator shop

I put my boat on the car and headed on over to Santa Rosa to Dutton Radiator shop where I talked with Dave about getting my heater core repaired. Yes, he said he could do it for a 190 dollars. I had no choice but to say ok. He said it should be ready Friday.

Paint at Home Depot

I continued on to Home Depot where I bought some more paint for the van and a few other things too.

I had planned to do a bit more shopping, but I seemed to be tired out and needed a nap, so I headed on home for the nap.

And all tuckered out

I seemed to be tuckered out so the rest of the day, I didn’t do much. I did clean up the battery terminals on our dump trailer and checked the battery charger on it after I tightened things up again.

That was my day.

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4 Responses to A Short Paddle Then I Headed Over to the Radiator Shop

  1. Jeremy says:

    Hey Bob,
    Enjoying your blog. Like your RV. Is that ’67 Chev a DIY by you or somebody or from a conversion company? I stopped at a National Marine Estuarine Reserve down there years ago and always wanted to explore it more. Thanks for the photos. Good Night Heron photo!?
    I have 2 big solarized motorhomes, 22 foot bus and 32 foot Class A, which I’m selling/trading and building a boat or Van. Your area looks amazing. I’d like to move one of the rigs down to that area from where it is stored in Washington. Well I’m driving the bus to Florida so it might stay there as driving across the country repeatedly is not in my budget lol.

    • Bob says:

      Hi Jeremy,
      Yes, the van is a DIY one. I used 1970’s Chevy truck undercarriage stuff which worked out pretty good. I’ve had it for quite some time, but now that I’m retired it’s getting a lot more use. Sounds like you are getting around and having some adventures yourself. Pop rivets would also be good to join aluminum.

  2. Upriverdavid says:

    $190.????…..Sheesh!…..I’m getting too old…..That’s crazy……Gold solder maybe?..24Kt??

    • Bob says:

      Hey David,
      If I looked at the prices of most stuff today, I wouldn’t buy it, so mostly I just ask for stuff and pay as I need the stuff. I did find a new heater after I got this one done for seventy. It was for a Ford, but looked at what was installed. One of the things about working on old rigs is sometimes the so called original parts aren’t the right ones, but what some one has found will work.
      The main thing is it’s almost ready to roll for a trip, which is much needed after all that mechanicing.

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