A Slow Day, But I Did Get a Bike Ride In, Between the Napping

Friday August 30, 2024 Guerneville CA.

I got it going late today and was dragging my butt as I didn’t sleep well. So, I started the day with a nap.

Bike Ride

Later in the day I rode up into the forest and stopped here at this water pool.ridge1

With the water pool, the grasses are growing nicely.grass3


I looked in the water pool carefully to see if I could find any fish. There wasn’t any mosquito larva so I thought there should be some fish in there. I did finally see a couple of the little guys.pool2

I rode around a bit and stopped here and trimmed some branches out of the road, so they wouldn’t hit me in the face as I rode by.trimming4

I stopped at our memorial spot for a bit.cross5

There were some downed big redwood limbs there that needed to be cleaned up a bit, so I did move them out of the way.limbs6

Now I could ride on by. The big limbs were too big for me to move them very far.better7

Eventually, I headed on home for a nap.

Nice day.

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