Banking, Visiting and a Not So Good Chicken Momma

Tuesday June 30, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Banking and visiting

Today was going to be a mostly do nothing day but I did have a couple things to do besides taking care of the chickens.

Cash from the ATM

Just after noon I drove on down to the town of Guerneville and pulled into the bank as I needed some cash for my upcoming trip.

I don’t usually use the ATM but today I thought I’d give it a try.

The card thing said to put it in this way so I did. A little light lit up but nothing happened on the screen so I took the card out and tried it again with the same result. I tried the card different ways and did hear some clicking sometimes but still no go.

Lucky there was no one behind me, but I could of used some help.

Hummmmmmmmm. On impulse I pushed the card in a little harder and the game was on. :O) My cash came out in brand new 20 dollar bills which I put in my pocket.


From there I headed to Monte Rio to visit with Charlie and his son. They live up on a steep one lane narrow road in the redwoods above the river.

It took  me awhile to raise anyone but eventually I heard them. They must have been napping.

Here’s their nice looking yard.yard


We sat around here and shot the bull for about three hours and laughed a lot.yakarea


It was after six when I left and went home for the day.

Not a good momma

I checked on the chicks as there was a hen that was do to hatch some peeps out today.

She did hatch some peeps out but she wasn’t a very good momma and wasn’t taking care of most of the new chicks which need to be warmed up by her when they are born. Unfortunately I found 3 of them had died.

I got the hen back in her nest and made sure all the remaining chicks where in there with her.

Not all the blame is hers

In all fairness  to the hen being a bad momma isn’t all the hen’s fault. She’s a young hen and is a little timid and gets bullied by some of the other older hens with chicks. They’ve moved into her nest box and booted her off her eggs more than once.

After that I did a bit of chair hopping and that was it for me today.

Nice easy day.

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