Caring For Chickens and Trail Work For Exercise

Sunday July 11, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Chicken work

At night I have three hens in this pen but by morning I have only two hens in there. I noticed the gate doesn’t have any wire in the top one foot so I found some wire and will install it and that should stop that chicken from getting out.

No wire in the top of the gate.gate


Chicks bed care

This is where all the little chicks sleep at night. I put a scoop of diatomaceous earth on the ground and used a shovel to work it in. This is to hopefully reduce the insect pests that might bother the chicks.bed


Getting exercise doing trail work

Since I had all the work done in the yard I wanted to do today I hopped on the quad runner and rode on up into the forest to do some trail work in this area where I parked.quad


I  mostly went up there to get some good exercise and I did for about three hours and got some trail cleared too.

Checked the water tanks

On the way home I checked the water level of our spring water tanks to make sure there’s enough water in them so I can do some watering. They were just over three quarters full so I was good to do some more watering tonight.

Raspberry patch

After a good break when I got home I set the water on the raspberry patch. I’d like to get the patch good and wet so I can pull some weeds as they are easier to pull when the ground is wet.water4


Citrus trees care

And I applied some more fertilizer to my two citrus trees. They seem to be starting to grow a little.citrus


Chicks bed

The chicks were a bit hesitant to use their bed at first but as it got darker they moved on in for the night.chicks


Nice day.

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One Response to Caring For Chickens and Trail Work For Exercise

  1. Nancy K says:

    Your crop of little kids are getting big!! If there’s a way out, chickens will find it.

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