Checking Out an Old Road and Some Trail Work

Friday January 26, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Road check out

I thought I’d go work on a trail today, but first I thought a ride would be good. I had a road I wanted to check out over on a neighbor’s place to see what condition it was in.

I rode on over to the road and right away ran into this downed tree, so I walked down the road to check it out.tree1

The road wasn’t too bad but there were some downed trees on it. Chainsaw work.tree2

This creek crossing that I fixed up a few years back was holding up well.ferns3

Not far up the road from the creek crossing I ran into this slide that was partially blocking the road.slide4

On the way back up the road, I went by this rotten log with these mushrooms growing on it.shrooms5

I made it back to the bike parked at oil can flat.bike6

Big tree

Then I headed over to where the trail was that I wanted to work on. I looked at this tree the other day. Today I wanted to see what it would take to clear this big tree off the road.

After checking it out, I think I could carefully nibble away at it and get it off the road, if I take my time at it. Tom had been by it the other day and at least cut enough out of it to get by on the bike, once I moved some stuff.tree7

Once I got the path under it cleared, I drove on through and stopped at this spring for a drink of water as that big tree had tired me out.spring8

I made it to the overlook where the trail I wanted to work on started and had a good break before getting started on that trail.view9

I worked on that trail until my hands started to get blistered. I’d forgotten my gloves back at the bike so I walked on back and got them off the bike where I’d forgotten them.gloves10

I got those gloves just in time before any real serious blisters developed. I worked on the trail for a couple of hours and then went back to the bike and  sat in the chair at the overlook for a good break, before heading for home.

Lush trail

I took this trail on way back. It’s a very lush trail with lots of big green ferns.trail11

Once home, there was still enough light left in the day to do some chair hopping with the chickens.

Nice day.

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