Chickens, Mulberries, Water Tanks, Dirt Bike Ride and Yuck Apples

Tuesday August 4, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Checking peeps

First thing I did was feed the chickens and check to see how the new peeps were doing. The momma hen was out of her box with some of the chicks.peep


Dust bath

Momma hen taking a dust bath. Note the little guy on the left is getting out of the way with all the dirt flying.dustbath


Pulled weeds

I’d been looking at these weeds growing here. Wild radish. I pulled a bunch of them out and fed they to the chickens.weeds


I always wonder around the yard to see what’s getting ripe and sample what I can.


I climbed up in the mulberry tree as I could see quite a few ripe berries. I ate quite a few of them. Yummy. They are about an inch long.mulberries


I chair hopped and puttered around the yard for most of the day not doing much of anything.

Lots of water

In the evening I jumped on the dirt bike and rode up to check the water level of our water tanks fed by mountain springs.

The pink ribbon gauge shows they were only three feet down from the top which was good as I wanted to water a couple of trees which takes a deep watering which means more water.gauge


Taking the loop home

As long as I was on the dirt bike I rode on home taking the loop around the long way up this road.road


Over the hill apples

While walking around the yard I noticed this apple tree had some real red apples so I sampled one. Yuck. They were over the hill, over ripe which I call, like saw dust. I fed a few to the chickens, with those guys around nothing goes to waste around here.apples


The evening was real nice so chair hopping is what I did until it got dark.

Nice day.

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