Choosing Hens, Gardening, Butchering and Expecting New Chicks and Grandpa’s Feeder

Sunday June 9, 2019 Guerneville CA.

Choosing hens

Today I needed to butcher a couple chickens for my dinner table so first thing I did was pick two and put them in a holding cage until I was ready to do it. It’s getting harder every time to pick chickens for this task. I had one of my noisier chickens in hand. But it was also the first momma chicken to rise some chicks so at the last moment I let her go for this time and picked up another one.

Digging dirt to plant

After that I got my shovel out and dug up this plot to plant stuff and then I put the water on it. I’d put the chicken stuff from butchering in there and covered it up. It’s fenced to keep the chickens out.dirt


The deed is done

I butchered the two chickens later in the day and while I was doing it I was thinking I need to get the hot pot going to dip them in to feather them. Right now I’ve been skinning them but these more mature birds have some nice skin and it’s a shame to waste it so I need to get the hot pot going for next time.

That job doesn’t take too long and it was done, until  next time. :O)


I spent some time planting some seed in the garden. Some squash and pole beans and cucumbers which will be a second planting so I get them for a longer time.

Grandpa’s feeder

My chickens have been out feeding all day. When they came in for the night I let them into my Grandpa’s feeder. It’s’ supposed to feed four birds but they proved that claim wrong. Interesting the rooster waited until last to feed once those pesky hens moved out.feeder


Expecting some new chicks soon

It’s just about bed time for the chicks. Here’s the nursery area with four sitting hens in boxes. I thought maybe today the  first ones might start hatching but I haven’t heard any new little peeping sounds yet. One thing peeps do often is peep. Lil Red looks on and is about ready to go in there and settle down for the night with the rest of the little chicks.lilred


That was it for another pretty good day.

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2 Responses to Choosing Hens, Gardening, Butchering and Expecting New Chicks and Grandpa’s Feeder

  1. George Yates says:

    Nice to get some fresh fresh chickens, The hot pot is nice to get them plucked and you can still enjoy the crispy skin on them. We did 12 of them at my buddies place one time and after the hot pot he made a drum with rubber fingers that did a wonderful job plucking the feathers.

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    Thank you for sparing me the details of butchering. I know it has to be done, and I got a kick out of your sentimentality over the first hen to raise chicks. Next time. They will provide you with some nice meals. I love the crispy skin from chickens.
    Sounds like a successful day not too full with work.

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