Cibola Lake and Back

Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2013, Colorado River

Exploring the Colorado River

Since I hadn’t been down below Blythe to check out the Colorado River, I thought this would be a good day to do this, as Marty and Patti where going north, up by Parker to do some shopping.

I got up,  had some breakfast and was on the road around nine am, headed west on I 10 to just past Blythe, where I turned south on Highway 78, which headed down by the river that I wanted to check out.

Cruising down the roads

Eventually I left the paved road and followed a well maintained gravel road along the river.

You can see the Colorado river on the left, the gravel road I came on in the middle and Cibola lake on the right in the picture below. This is looking back up the river from the direction I traveled.


Cibola Lake looked great

The Cibola Lake looked real nice for kayaking except for one thing. The sign said, open on March 15th, or I would have yakked ii, for sure.

Below is a picture of part of the Cibola Lake.


Four wheeling type roads.

By this time I was off the paved road, after a stop for pictures, I continued on down the river on the road pictured below.


I kept driving on down the road below.



And though the trees in the picture below.



The was some four wheeling to be done in parts of the road like what is pictured below. Parts of the road where very rough.


End of the road.

I went quite a ways down that road until I ran into a sign that said restricted, private property, no entry, ok, I turned around and headed on back.

I stopped to check out these little blue flowers, pictured below.


Just in case you wanted to see these little flowers, I took a pic a little closer up, as you can see below.



A real old cemetery.

As I was cruising along,………….er, bouncing along, I spotted these ridges of rock off to the side of the road, so I stopped to investigate. Turned out the be a real old cemetery, likely from a nearby homestead I never did see.

Below, is the old cemetery I checked out. Only those little wooden crosses on most of the graves, nothing else.


Old homestead house, two rooms with a breeze way.

From there I continued on quite a ways until I ran into this old homestead cabin, which was stated to be a cabin that was used when the river water had risen and they couldn’t get to their main place.

Below you can see what is left of this cabin.



And home again.

It wasn’t too far from the cabin that I was back down on the gravel levee road and back to pavement and home, which is just outside of Quartzsite right now.

Had a good day.

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