Tuesday March 26, 2024 Guerneville CA.
Storm cleanup
I finally got around to cleaning up these downed redwood limbs from one of the winters storms. Some of the limbs are rather large and will make good firewood.
This is one side of the redwood trees that I need to cut up.
And the other side of those redwood trees is even a larger mess to clean up.
Making firewood
I mostly worked on cutting up the larger limbs as they need to be gotten out of the way to get to the smaller stuff.
This is my second pile of firewood and there’s still more firewood back in the brush but my back said to quit cutting wood for the day.
Work on Skiddy
I did some stuff that was easier on my back. I changed the blade on Skiddy to this bucket which is a fairly easy process as the machine does most of the work.
Hose bracket
That bucket needs this hose guard on it to keep the hoses from getting torn up. I’ve had the parts for some time and with the bucket attached, it was time to get this bracket mounted. That turned out to be a hassle because the bracket bolts needed a special tool that I didn’t have to install the treaded inserts for the mounting bolts. I made do with what I had and got the job done. This bracket keeps the hoses from being torn up.
Needs a bumper
I’ve also realized I have a problem with backing into big trees with the rig and need to do something about the problem. I’m planning to install a trailer hitch and decided to use that to make some kind of bumper on the back. I sat around for quite some time studying how I should make that to make it rigid enough to be a bumper and protect the skidder from damage.
I think I have a good plan for that and now, just have to construct it which will be another project in the near future.
Nice day.