Clearing Trees and a Bike Ride In the Forest

Monday July 15, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Today’s project

I want to move the green shed a bit so that meant I’d need to remove a bunch of these plum trees. Tom brought the dump trailer by for me to load up.trailer1

I used the chainsaw to cut all the trees down and now for the clean up task.treescut2

Bike ride

I’d just gotten started loading the brush when Barry showed up for a ride in the forest, so off we went.

We rode around and stopped at this spring for a drink of water.spring3

We stopped at this house the State parks just acquired to see what they’ve been up to. So far, only some grass cutting for fire protection has been done.house4

We eventually made it up to our break area at the top for a break.forest5

I stopped here for a drink of water at this spring while Barry waited.bikes6

We rode around some more then went on home where Barry took off for his  place.

Back to the project

I was sitting around getting ready to get back to work on my project when, my neighbor, Jerry came by and said he has his rig all back together and was ready to start  it up. He’d taken the injector pump apart and cleaned it all up like I advised him to and was confident it would start, so I said, go for it, you know how to bleed the fuel system and get the thing going without me. I’d taught him enough about the system to  make him a diesel mechanic so he shouldn’t have any problems to get it going. He left and didn’t come back so I assume he got it running.

I had all the brush to load, so I finally got back to it.work7

I had a lot of brush to load up.loading8

These plum trees have a lot of big thorns on them so I have to be real careful.. Almost all loaded up  here.limbs9

I got all the brush loaded up and now it’s ready for some action from Skiddy to get the stumps out of the ground and load up the big old rotten logs laying on the ground there.loaded10

Nice day.

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