Barry and I Hunt For a Survey Marker and We Ride Around the Forest

Thursday March 7, 2024 Guerneville CA.

Forest ride

Barry showed up for a dirt bike ride so we took off for the hills. We only rode a short distance to a spot and Barry stopped and said he wanted to hike down to a neighbor’s property line and find a metal pipe marker so we started hiking through the forest.

He spotted this redwood post so went over to it as it was near what he was looking for..barry1

The post had a state parks metal sign on it and he found the metal pipe near it. Barry is a retired surveyor and does weird stuff like that.sign2

He said he’d come back later and put some flags on the spot to mark it. It was a good hike back up the hill to our dirt bikes which wore us out a bit. Just some more needed exercise.


We needed a drink of water after that, so headed to this spring and got a drink of water.spring3

Trees down

We rode around the place and ended up at these down trees to have a look and talked about how to remove them.trees4

Break time

We rode around some more and eventually ended up at our ridge top break area for a break.break5

The sky was mostly blue today. Can’t complain about that.sky8

We sat around there and shot the bull for quite some time.trees8

After that we worked our way back to my house and Barry took off for his place.

I went in for a nap as that hike wore me out some.

After the nap, I went back outside and did some chair hopping with the chickens.hens

Nice day.

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One Response to Barry and I Hunt For a Survey Marker and We Ride Around the Forest

  1. don striepeke says:

    hey bob, your header pic today has a garter snake swalloing a sculpin backwards do you remember if the snake got the job done.

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