Closing the Deal On My New Toy

Thursday November 30, 2023 Guerneville CA.

My new machine

I got down to the dealers just after noon to close the deal.

The other dealer that was also giving me quotes and competing with this guy called this morning and when I told him,  he lost, he offered to lower the price another 500 bucks.

But yesterday, I asked for final bids and told the guy who win last night that he’d won.

So being a guy of his word, I thanked him and said no to that.

Anyway, I used that to get the other guy to throw in a repair manual and we’d close the deal and we did.

While he was doing some phone work, I went out to check out my new machine. I’m getting a different blade and bucket, so they have to order them up so I won’t get delivery of this for a couple of weeks.machine4


Here’s a few views of the machine as I checked it out.machine


The back is pretty clean. It’s hard to see when backing up so these things come with a backup camera which is good. They also come with a backup beeper which is going to drive me crazy up in the hills, so I’ll likely figure out a way to silence it as there is usually no one else around when I work in the woods.maachineback


Those things on the back are counter weights which help when picking up heavy things.machine2


Being part of the machine

Being a good dozer operator means making yourself part of the machine. The nice thing about this one is, where you are seated in it, makes being part of it even easier.

Sales guy

Here’s  my sales guy as we closed the deal.salesguy



After that I went over to Costco to get some stuff to feed myself. Just inside the door was some robot vacuums that were on sale for under five hundred bucks. I was temped and still am, but was able to pass them up.

I’m a happy camper with this new machine. It’s really just a big new toy. :O)

Nice day.

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4 Responses to Closing the Deal On My New Toy

  1. Judith says:

    Looks like a smaller version of what were called caterpillars, or something like that. My father spent several years with getting parts for a broken down one he got somewhere and boy was he thrilled when it was finally operational. I used it once…to grub mesquites from a field. Kind of fun. I may have gotten one mesquite up. If that. Enjoy…..

  2. A James says:

    Looks like a serious machine & very manoeuvrable- should suit those trails & hills extremely well- congratulations!Looking forward to the results of your use of it.All the best.

  3. Barb says:

    Looks like FUN! Make sure to take a picture of you sitting in it once delivered.

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