Cool Weather Causes Plans to Change

Sunday October 1, 2023 Heading towards home

Cool weather

It rained pretty good last night but today, it wasn’t raining.,,,,,,,,,,But.

When I got up, it was overcast and no sun was shining and worse than that, it had turned to a damp cold out type day.

I waited until ten to see if the sun was going to shine, but it didn’t so I decided there was nicer places than this right now. For instance, Home.

Spring water

I needed some drinking water, so I drove the short distance to the spring at the old cabin and filled up a few gallons with water and got a nice drink too.spring


One more chance for the sun to come out, but it didn’t so I plotted a course for home.

The quad cowboy

Not far from the spring, I ran into the cowboy I saw go by camp herding some cattle yesterday on his  quad runner. He just rode the quad into the trailer, so I stopped and waited for him to come out.

I knew he had already been out this morning as I saw him go by my camp earlier, but without cattle.

I asked if he found his cattle and no he didn’t. We had a nice chat. He has a ranch in Janesville and said, yes he has horses but the quad can cover twenty miles much faster than his horses can. He did mention that it had turned cold all of a sudden.cowboy


Doyle Crossing

I drove up the road a short distance to Doyle Crossing were a bride crosses the creek and did some map checking to try and take some other roads I hadn’t been on yet, on the way out of the forest. I took the road to the right as I came in on the road to the left.van


Here’s the creek and the bridge at Doyle Crossing.doyle


The road I traveled out of the forest on wasn’t real fast, but fast enough and the wash-board wasn’t bad either. I just took my time enjoying the country.

The recent forest fire hadn’t burned this part of the forest. They cut the tree out along the road so there’s a fire break now.road


I stopped at this intersection to check the map and continued on once I figured out where I was.signs


Eventually I came out of the forest onto this big valley, I think it was called Dixie Valley.dixie


The valley was pretty big and eventually, the road changed to pavement, although a bit bumpy. And the sun still wasn’t out so I made a good choice on leaving.clouds


Eventually, I got on highway 49. I stopped to take a couple of breaks along the way and a nap too.

I arrived at tonight’s camp spot near the Bullard’s Bar Reservoir, where there is a trailhead that is off the beaten path, so I pulled in just after five and made


I was surprised to find I had cell service here so after I write this blog, I can post it.

Tomorrow, I’ll continue the rest of the trek towards home.

Nice day, as I left the cold up in the hills.

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