Cutting Brush and Old Fallen Logs Off the Old Trail Up In the Forest

Saturday February 11, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Forest work

I gassed up and put chain oil in my larger chainsaw and headed up into the hills to do some tree and brush removal off the old trail I’ve been working on.saws1


I parked the quad runner and started up the trail with the saw and a pair of loppers.trail2


The work begins

This was as far as I had the old trail cleared so far and I needed to clear the section ahead of brush and fallen logs off the trail.trail3



I started by brushing this section.trail4


And sat down here for a break and to study how to cut a section out of this big log safely.log5


Cutting old logs

But first I went back to this section and started cutting old logs off the trail.logs6


There were quite a few logs on the trail in this spot, but they were all fairly small which made it much easier to clear.cutlogs7


Safety first

Then it was back to the big one I’d studied and I studied it some more, just to be safe.log8


The big one

I got it cut, but the first cut stuck the saw in the tree as it cut through and I thought I was going  to  have to leave the saw here and get something to get it unstuck, but I wiggled it back and forth and finally got it out of the cut and was able to proceed with making some other cuts. The piece I cut out was fairly large and hard to move. I should of cut it once more, but I wanted to save gas for more logs to cut.cutlog9


I walked out the trail further and cut these three logs where they crossed the old trail.logs10


Final logs today

And the last place I had to cut was these two. I saved them until last as they had a lot of charcoal on them from a real old forest fire, long ago. I thought the charcoal might dull the saw.  I also had a tough time moving the big one off the trail, but I got it.cutlogs11


It was almost five when I stopped and headed back down the trail to where the quad runner was parked.trail12


Hawk in the garden

When I was riding by my brother’s garden I saw a hawk fly up and thought it might have gotten one of my brother’s chickens so I stopped to check it out, but it appeared to be interested in the robins feeding on the ground. That’s garlic growing there.garden13


Enjoying the evening

Back home, I finished the day chair hopping around the yard until it started to get dark.daffs14


Nice day.

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