Dirt Bike Ride and Making the Slug Spring Tapping Video

Wednesday August 30, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Checking out the sink top

Barry and I were going for a ride up in the forest today. We stopped at our rental to  have a look at the old bathroom sink counter top to check the measurements so we can get a new one.

Good thing we did as I had one of the measurements wrong.

Headed up into the hills

We rode on up into the forest and rode around a bit and stopped at this hog wallow spring for a drink of water. It’s called hog wallow because the wild hogs have an old wallow here that they sometimes use when they come on the property to consume tan oak acorns in the fall.riding


Then we rode around some more and then rode over to my cousin’s place to head up to our rest spot on the top of the ridge. We had to ride around this big tree that fell down.logs


Smoky view

The view at our rest spot was real smoky from the forest fires up north of us. That’s looking south towards San Francisco.smoky


After a good rest and some bull, we took off for some more riding around.tpplpff


We stopped at this spring to collect the game cam card. There wasn’t enough water to get a drink as this spring slows up a lot in the fall.cam


Drink of water

So we continued on down the hill to this spring that has enough water for a good drink.water


We headed on home from there. It was nap time for me.

Slug spring video making

I worked on putting together another spring tapping video for YouTube. It’s about a spring I helped a neighbor rework the other day. It had a lot of big banana Slugs in it so that’s why the name.thumb


The video is here.


Game cam pictures

We had this critter on the cam.squirr


It’s one of these.squirrel


And this raven got a drink of water at this spring.raven


Nice day.

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One Response to Dirt Bike Ride and Making the Slug Spring Tapping Video

  1. Nancy K says:

    Eeewwwww those slugs. I accidentally stepped on one once and I think there’s still part of it on my shoe.

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