Dozer Battery, New Trail Cams and Resting Up My Sore Back

Monday September 4, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Sore back

I could tell I over did it on my back yesterday before I got out of bed this morning. Once I got it going, I was hunched over a bit which made my back even sorer, so I found my walking stick which helps me stay upright and takes some of the sore out of the back.


The dozer has been sitting around for some time and I knew the battery must need a charge. I took the charger over to my brother’s garden where there was some electric power and drove on up to where the dozer was parked.

It started but just barely, so I was just in time. I drove it the short distance to where I could put the charger on it.

Once that was done I walked back up to where I left my quad runner and retrieved it and rode it on home.

I put the ice pack on and took it easy for the rest of the day with much napping.

The back felt a bit better, by evening. I guess I’m just going to have to take it easier on it for awhile.

Trail cams

I did order up two new trail cams as I haven’t been happy with the quality of the pictures from the ones I’ve been using.

Nice day.

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4 Responses to Dozer Battery, New Trail Cams and Resting Up My Sore Back

  1. Nancy K says:

    Mr. Ed has a great idea. I can identify with your sore back!!

  2. Patsy Irene says:

    You are forgetting that you are not a young man anymore. Like someone else i know!!

  3. Mr. Ed says:

    Why not invest in a used 100w Solar panel They’re very cheap even sitting in the shade in the daylight it still puts some power back into the battery and the best part The charge is free

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