Enjoying a Rainy Day and Getting Some Stuff Done

Tuesday February 28, 2023 Guerneville CA.


Today was another rainy day with light showers on and off throughout the day.

I let the chickens into the raspberry patch to do their thing.chickens


Since it was raining I thought a little campfire might be nice to help burn up some old wood. The chickens like to dust bath in the ashes.fire


Dirt bike starter test

I hooked the starter up to  my Toyota’s battery to see if it would work. It didn’t, so I think there is another problem in it besides the brushes.starter


Old quad runner

I’ve been meaning to get this old quad runner going. It’s been sitting around for thirty years or so. I remember it had some kind of electrical problem when I stopped using it. I stopped using it because I didn’t really need it at the time.

So today I got it out and aired up the  tires and worked on getting it going.quad


I took the old battery out and checked the air cleaner which was rotten and fell apart in my hands.battery


The gas tank was dry so I put a bit of fuel in it, then hooked it to the Toyota’s battery and found the quad’s main fuse was melted, so I replaced that.

It turned over the engine but wouldn’t start. I tried some starting fluid in the carb but it didn’t fire which means it’s likely not getting any spark.

I’ll look at that another time. At least I got this far with it. I need to get a new battery for it too.

I chair hopped with the chickens during a rain shower break.chickens2


And I got around to taking the dirt bike starter motor a part again, but I couldn’t find the problem why it doesn’t work. I have a new one ordered but now I’m curious why this one is not working so  may look at it more later.part

Nice day.

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4 Responses to Enjoying a Rainy Day and Getting Some Stuff Done

  1. Judith says:

    You know, Bob, frankly, to me 30 years sounds like a long time. My car is 20 years old, but it’s been moving from time to time. Actually I am surprised those tires on that quad are holding air. Maybe I should be more confident in my car. So far, so good. It’s a Honda Element. I love it. If you get the quad going, I’ll relax about my car. I figure it will see me out anyway. Ha.

  2. Nancy K says:

    I wish I had your “fix it” skills. There’s nothing more fun than figuring something out and getting it working again! Love those daffodils!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Is all this rain helping California’s water shortage?

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