Fall Type Yard Work

Saturday, Nov. 10, 2012 Guerneville, CA.

Moving dirt to the cherry tree planting area

Today, I decided it would be a good day to take the planter box apart and move the dirt to the cherry tree planting area that needed some more dirt. First I had to take the planting box apart, which meant whacking it with a big hammer and getting it out of the way to shovel the dirt into the wheelbarrow.

I had to move the dirt about a hundred feet, while doing this on my second load, I realized the tire was a bit on the low side, so I aired it up, then I noticed that the bearing was making a lot of noise, so I drilled the hole in the axle I’ve been going to do for a long time, so I can put some grease into it more easily.

I did that and pumped some grease into it, but that wasn’t’ the problem. Seems the part of the frame has cracked that holds the wheel on.

Below is the backyard where the planter was. You can see the planter boards laying around, still haven’t dealt with getting all the nails out of those boards yet. You can also see some of the prune trees I want to transplant to Boonville, near the shovel about seven feet tall. They have all come up by themselves from some old tree that was growing by the creek.



Below is my broken wheelbarrow that I just did some arc welding on.



A close up of the repair. That should hold for awhile, now back to work.



Below is where I dumped the dirt. This is the place I will plant my four cherry trees soon, as soon as the stores get them in stock this year. My plan is to plant four trees around the stump. let them grow and compete with each other, while, hopefully getting a few cherries off of these. Even if one tree kills the others in time, I hope to get something from these trees while they are doing their thing.



As you can see below, that is some nice soil I’ve moved from the planter box in the back.



As a finishing touch, I put about six inches of leave mulch around the stump, which will keep it nice until I’m ready to plant in a mouth of so.


That was enough to wear me out for the day. I didn’t make it kayaking like I planned.

Had a real nice day anyhow.

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