Resting on the Russian River

Sunday, Nov. 11, 2012 Jenner, CA.

Kayaking Jenner and a hike too.

It was cool here last night, down around thirty two degrees F., but the day warmed up with some sun to a nice day. Since it was vets day, I couldn’t stay around here and do more yard work, so I went down to Jenner around noon to kayak. I felt a little hike was in order too, since it was fairly clear and a good time to get some views from up on the hill.

When I arrived at Jenner, I noted that the mouth of the river was mostly closed as the water was up higher than it should have been since it was low tide soon. I put in the water and went over to Penny Island, headed east up the river, but though the island channel first. I saw a big red tail hawk just before I got there, but didn’t get the camera ready as I thought he would leave as he saw me coming. Too bad, because he stayed until I got close, but as soon as I started to dig the camera out, he flew off. He teased me twice more that day and I wasn’t able to get a good pic of him. So, I headed up the river about a half mile stopping along the way to rest and observe, just taking my time. I was thinking of doing a little hike up the hill at Eagle’s Landing, up the hill on Poison Oak Alley trail.

Below is where I landed the kayak to go on this hike.



Up the hill on this trail though these ferns.



And past this big tree. The trail was fairly good and very scenic.



Once I was up to my look out point, I sat down and took it easy for about an hour. Below is a picture of what the view was like up the river.



Below is the view toward Jenner from my look out point.



On the way back down the trail I spotted these little mushrooms on the trail.



I then paddles down to the mouth of the river, where, sure enough, it was closed. I stayed down that way, until the sun started to set. On the way back, the river calmed down. Below is a picture of the Jenner area, just as the sun was going down.



Just one picture of the sunset. Sunsets are easy to take a lot of pictures, but you only need one to tell the story.



The big tree on Penny Island had these two eagles roosting on it. It was almost dark, so I’m sure they were going to spend the night here.


I was off the water at about five thirty and was thinking of food as I had a crock pot going at home with some black beans in it and they sure where good.

Another nice day on the river.

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