Forest Ride and Smoke At the Vacant House

Tuesday February 11, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Forest ride

Barry showed up at my place today around noon for a dirt bike ride so we took off and rode around in the hills. Right away we ran into these downed trees blocking the road. We were able to clear enough of it to get by it.trees1

Eventually we  made it up to our break area at the top of the mountains.top2

There wasn’t much sun today. It just barely was making it through the cloud cover.sun4


As we were sitting there enjoying the view and resting up, we thought we saw a little smoke down there near where a house was where no one was living.view3

The smoke was pretty light near the house and we couldn’t see anyone from up where we were located.smoke5

So, when we left the top, we headed down to where the house was and found the source of the fire.

This is a state park guy that is prepping the house so he and his family can move into it soon. They were doing some cleaning up around the house.fire8

He and another guy were cleaning out the solar power house and getting ready to replace the batteries.house7

We chatted with the guy there for a bit, then continued our ride. It was a bit on the cool side today, so eventually we headed for home.

Nice day.

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