Forest Ride, Forest Work and Some Trail Cam Pictures

Thursday October 19, 2023 Guerneville CA.

Bike ride

I was going to go shopping today, but Barry came by for a bike ride up into the forest, so I did that instead.

We rode around for a couple of hours going all over the place, then headed up to our break area at the top of the ridge.

We picked up the trail cam cards on our way around the place.

Lots of smoke in the sky from somewhere, maybe some controlled burns.smoky1


After a good ride Barry took off for home and I had a nap. That bike riding in the hills gives us a good work out.

I needed gas for the motor bikes, so I went to town and got some.

Forest work

Late in the day I got back on the bike and rode on up into the forest to do some trail work.

I stopped here to move some of this brush I cut up the other day off the road.trees2


My back wasn’t liking it so I only moved some of it.brush3


Trail work

I made it over to the trail I’ve been working on widening.

This is the part I planned to work on today.trail4


I widened out up to the root on the tree, then sat down for a break in my chair.trail5



This trail is called Talking Trees Trail because of a bunch of the trees leaning over against each other. When the wind blows, they rub on each other making talking sounds.leaners6


I got this much of the trail mostly done, but not quite and I wanted to finish this part up before dark.,,,,,,,,,,,,But.trail7


I almost made it, but the dark beat me so I quit and headed for home.trail8


Trail cam pictures

There were lots of foxes and the spotted skunk and lots of deer.

Here’s one of the deer.deer9


A couple of crows getting a drink and a bath in our pond.crows10


And there were quite a few wild pigeons dong the same.pigeons11


Nice day.

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