Sunday March 2, 2025 Guerneville CA.
Trail work
I’ve been too busy working on the old road to get much trail work done this winter, but today, I got my tools and rode the small quad runner up the narrow trail to where I had some trail work to do.
I had to stop here to kick that dirt pile out of the way so I could get by. There’s just barely enough room for the quad runner to use this trail.
I brough the chainsaw up to cut this log across the trail. I cranked and cranked but after a couple of pops, it wouldn’t start.
I figured the saw was likely flooded, so I walked up the trail a ways to this log and tried to get it going again, but no go.
I wore myself out trying to start the chainsaw, so had to sit in this chair for a break.
Once I was rested up, I walked out the trail until I got to this part that needed to be widened out a bit.
I got that section done and sat down for another break.
I still had the section in front of the chair to do, so got to it.
I had this bit of rock to move out of the way and I’d be done.
It showered once for a few minutes, but not enough to get me wet under the trees.
I got that last rock moved and was done for the day.
I wanted to cut that leaning tree out of the way, so I tried to start the chainsaw again, but I couldn’t even get a pop out of it.
I was tired out after all the work, so I sat in this chair until almost dark, just enjoying the forest.
I headed home for a nap, taking the dead chainsaw with me.
Nice day.