Getting Exercise Working On the Old Trail

Thursday January 30, 2025 Guerneville CA.

Forest trail work

I didn’t have anything better to do today then to go up and work on the old trail some more as that’s a good way to get some exercise.

I rode my dirt bike up the narrow trail to the top where I’m working and parked and walked a short ways down the trail to where I was going to work.

I worked on widening out this part of the trail. I hoped to get about fifty feet of trail widened out today, so I got to it.trail1

I’d work a bit, then take a break in my chair and then work some more, doing that most of the day until the sun went down. I got it almost done, but now quite as I still have some dirt to get off it, but I was beat, so I put up  my tools and headed back up the trail to were the dirt bike was parked.trail2

I headed back up the trail. That big fir tree log is too dangerous to try to cut out, as it wants to slide down the hill, so I left it  there and just made the trail go under it.trail3

My dirt bike was waiting for me right were I had left it, so I hopped on and headed down the narrow trail being careful I didn’t fall off the trail.bike4


Back home, I put some fertilizer on my citrus trees as it’s supposed to rain starting tonight, so it will wash the fertilizer into the ground.

Nice day.

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