Heating Oil Delivery, Zoom Reunion and the Chickens Tear Into the Blueberry Patch

Friday April 17, 2020 Guerneville CA.

Cool day

I got it going late today as it was one of those cool days. I was expecting a fuel oil delivery sometime today so I went out and opened up the front gate and left it open so the guy could get his big truck in when he arrived.

Shut off solenoid

I then went back in the house and worked on ordering the fuel shut off solenoid we needed to fix the dozer. I found one for 41 dollars with free shipping which really beat the 220 dollars the local tractor guys wanted. It’ll be here in about a week.

Big truck arrives

After that I did some chair hopping and puttered around the yard until the big fuel truck arrived. He filled up my tank and then we shot the bull for a bit. Good time to buy fuel for my heating stove as the price is fairly low right now.

Zoom reunion

At 3 I got on my computer as our elementary school class reunion people were going to try out a Zoom meeting on the internet. We had a bit of trouble getting things going for some people but we all had a bunch of laughs.

Chickens do their thing

Around four I let the chickens into the blueberry patch where I piled in some pepperwood mulch and grass clipping yesterday.

I didn’t want them in there too long that’s why I let them in near the end of the day.

Tear it up

Here they are just as I let them in the patch to do their thing eating and scratching things and just tearing things up.patch


They were enjoying things as there was lots of goodies to eat.birds


I thought it might rain so I needed to go back up to the bulldozer and put the bad solenoid back in to keep any rain water out.

Doing a good job

I checked on the chickens to see  how there were doing. They are working on it and enjoying themselves.patch2


Keeping the rain out

I hopped on the quad runner and rode up to the dozer and installed the bad solenoid. I may or may rain but now I’m ready for it if it does.

Fire prevention

On the way back home I saw my brother Tom working cutting down small trees for fire protection at our rental property so I stopped to check out what he was doing. He’s sitting up on the hillside there resting.tom


Renters not happy

Apparently our renters don’t like all the trees that need to be removed to make things safe but that’s just the way it goes if you don’t want your place burned down.

At 6 I let all the chickens out into the yard and then checked out the blueberry patch to see how they did.

Looks good

Rosy was still in there but all the other birds where out in the yard grazing. They ate most of the weeds in there.patch3


And did a good job spreading out the mulch and grass clippings in the blueberry patch.berries


As the evening approached it cooled down real quick so I was quick to go in the house for the day.

Nice day mostly just puttering around.

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2 Responses to Heating Oil Delivery, Zoom Reunion and the Chickens Tear Into the Blueberry Patch

  1. Patsy Irene says:

    I agree with David, some people just don’t get the word ‘for everyones own good!’
    I can’t get over what good little gardeners your chickens are, cleaning that patch up like that!
    Nice to get your oil delivery and a good deal on the solenoid shutoff thingy.
    You got things done today and that is always good!

  2. DAVID EVANS..upriver... says:

    Geez!..Your renters just don’t get it..I spent today clearing and burning brush my loggers left the other day….
    Maybe you can try to explain to them how fires can reach 60 mph and faster…
    Good luck outrunning the heat…..Nah..they won’t get it….
    What a world…Eh Bob?

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