Helping Barry and a Late Paddle At Jenner

Wednesday July 14, 2021 Jenner CA.

Barry shows up

I was just about to leave to go down to Jenner for a yak when my brother Barry pulled in with his dirt bike on his truck.

Gate construction

He needed to build a gate at his place and make it automatic so we went out to my automatic gate and he picked my brain.

Screw gun for metal roof screws

He also has to install some metal roof, so I showed him my screw gun to put screws in a metal roof. I showed him how it works and let him try it out so he knew how to adjust it and I let him borrow it as it really  makes the job much easier and you get a better job.barry1


We shoot the bull for awhile and then I left for Jenner and he went on a dirt bike ride up in the hills.

Jenner yak

I put my boat in the water and was about to cross over the river when I heard someone say hi up at the visitors center. I recognized the face but couldn’t remember his name, older age stuff. Later I found out his name was Patrick a guy I shot the bull with down here on and off when I ran into him.patrick2


Think out of the box

We shot the bull for about an hour as I tried to talk some sense into him on his ecology views. We had a good discussion and I think I left him with his old views of things. I told him he needs to think out of the box when I left.

No beaver more drought

We also talked about how they wiped out the beaver in California around 1800 and now we are in a drought and nobody seems to care that we wiped out the beaver which are know to hold back water in our streams to give it more time to go into our ground water system. Wiping out the beaver was likely one of the biggest disasters be felling California but no one seems to care and no one is restoring them.

I headed across the river and decided to paddle on down to the river’s mouth about a half mile down river so that’s where I headed.

River’s mouth area

The river’s mouth is up there by that big rock and that’s where I’m headed.mouth3


There’s lot of birds at the mouth.birds6


This is the river’s mouth looking out into the Pacific ocean. The tide was coming in so I didn’t have to be concerned about going out into the ocean as water was coming into the river from the ocean.ocean4


More birds at the mouth.ocean5


I sat in my yak and watched all the goings on for an hour or so.


Lot’s of pelicans preening.pelicans7


Pelicans do some weird stuff so watching them is interesting.pelsicans7


Seals and birds resting on the sands.seals8


When I left I paddled by these birds slowly as to not make them fly which they didn’t. But just after I passed some people got too close to them on shore and they all flew into the air.birds10


Headed back

There’s a bit of high fog coming in for the night as I head for the boat ramp at Jenner.jenner11


I pulled into the boat ramp around 6. I like it when no one is using it and it’s a good reason to go later in the day as most people go yakking early in the day, but not me as I’m a night owl and don’t get going early.ramp11


Broody hens

I drove on home and did some chair hopping until almost dark when I checked on  my chickens and found all these broody  hens in the nest boxes. I kicked them all out of the nests and closed up the nests so they couldn’t use them and would have to sleep on the roost with all the other birds.hens12


Nice day.

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One Response to Helping Barry and a Late Paddle At Jenner

  1. Barb in Florida says:

    Hi Bob. I enjoyed your post. It’s so hard to talk to people now days.
    I think you were wise to go about your paddle and leave him with his ideas.
    Maybe you gave him something to think about.

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