High Tides Have the Russian River’s Mouth Open Real Wide

Sunday December 21, 2014 Jenner CA.

King Tides

It was raining lightly again when I got up this morning, but it was supposed to stop, so I  headed for Jenner, to the overlook on the highway above the river’s mouth. It was a high, high tide or a king tide as they call it. About  six point five feet, which is one of the higher ones for this area.

With the ocean rough, it was really beating into the river. I could hear the waves pounding on the sandy shoreline, quite loudly.

My view as I stepped out of my car to a light drizzle.ocean


The ocean can move tons of sand

The ocean has pushed a lot of the sand down there into the river, over the sandy beach. Things are all rearranged down here right now. See the jetty and note that lot of the sand has been washed out behind it from the big wave action. The mouth is really wide open, from the jetty to the hill. This is the left side showing the end of the jetty.jetty


And this is the right side of the open mouth. That’s Haystack rock out there which usually has sand around it.mouth


Back at the boat ramp

I drove back to the boat ramp and put my boat in the water. Steve was already there putting his boat in the water. There was a heavy mist or a drizzle blowing in off the ocean.

We headed on across to Penny island and down to the west end. I looked to see if we could paddle onto the island, but the water wasn’t high enough.

This was the view onto the flooded island.island2


We hung around the west end of the island. I didn’t take many pictures as the mist was too strong blowing in from the ocean and I just couldn’t point the camera in  that direction without getting my lens all wet.

We decided not to paddle down to the mouth area as I already checked it out from the overlook.

Headed to the little island channel on the east end

We headed on up to the east end of the island which I knew is usually out of the wind and some protection from the mist too.We hung out here under the trees for a good spell, hoping the mist would clear and the sun would come out. The sun was trying to break through, but so far, wasn’t’ having much luck.channel


From there, we headed to the south side of the river and started heading up that way taking our time.

This is what it looked like when we got to Muskrat and took it easy for a bit. The sun was finally starting to break through and the mist was also quitting.russianriver


We were headed up to  the bridge and went past this nice spot at Dead Deer Gulch.steve


Steve decided he wanted to turn around just before we got to the bridge, so we did and started back down the river.

The little town of Jenner

This is what the little town of Jenner looked like as we paddled along. The sun was shining nicely on Jenner, but not on us as it was behind the hill on the left.jenner


As we approached Penny Island I saw this deer eating grass. It checked us out, but continued eating grass.deer


We headed across the river to the boat ramp, about four PM and this was our view looking down river towards the ocean.clouds


From the boat ramp, this was the view of the big tree on Penny Island with the sun breaking through the clouds.tree


We took our boats out and went on home for the day.

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