Sunday August 28, 2022 Guerneville CA.
Started out with work………….but
I started the day out using the vacuum clearer in my house for a bit. But after about five minutes my back said it didn’t like that, so I had to give that up. At this rate, it’s going to take me a long time to get that vacuuming done.
Lazy day part
Once I got it going again, I didn’t really have any plans to do any projects for the day.
So, of course that meant I did a lot of chair hopping around the yard just sitting around and enjoying the day and resting the old back.
And of course there were a couple naps thrown in there too. I did do some work checking out a new video editing tool on my computer on and off.
Setting up the job
An hour or so before dark , I decided to at least get the tools and stuff together as the chicken pen needed some repairs and I bought some wire the other day to do that.
Here’s my wire and the tools and clips I need to do the job. I got those together and wasn’t sure if I”d do anymore on it today.
Eventually I took the tape measurer to the chicken pen and measured a couple of panels that needed to be beefed up and came back and got the two panels cut to size.
After a short rest I got one of the wire panels installed on a gate to the pen and my back said it’d had enough so getting that done was better than nothing. :O)
Rat control
I watched the rats again last night with my cam. It at least seems there are less of them. There’s no way to know for sure whether they got done in or they just don’t like what’s there and haven’t come back. I would think that if they just didn’t like what was there, at least some of them would come back for more.
Right now I have three small ones and I think a larger one that may be momma working on the bait. Momma seems to be more couscous and I’m not sure she’s feeding on the bait or not. I’ll be watching her more carefully and we’ll see what happens. If that bait works, at least some of the little ones should disappear.
I’ll keep watching.
Nice day.
I know your pain. I’m allergic to vacuuming!