Wednesday December 16, 2015 Jenner CA,
The sun was out and the wind was down as I drove into Jenner this morning and put my boat in the water. Steve showed up with his kayak shortly after I put in the water. We paddled across the river to Penny Island and decided to head down along the island towards the river’s mouth area.
As we paddled along the island I could see some birds down that way on the water.
We paddled by these turkey vultures. I paddled over to see if they were eating anything, but they appeared to be just resting and getting some sun.
Looking down towards the open river’s mouth, I could see a bunch of coots with a mix of buffleheads and golden eyed ducks with them, all diving and feeding.
Honking geese
These geese honked a lot as we passed by them on the end of Penny Island and eventually flew off making a lot of noise.
We paddled on over to the open mouth and sat and watched the big waves break on the rocks for a spell.
Ocean water is still diving
It was just going to high tide, so there was a lot of ocean water coming into the river and diving under the rivers fresh warmer water. The diving water can be seen here. The blue ocean water coming in on the left is diving under the dirtier river water on the right leaving the foam on the surface as foam doesn’t sink.
There seemed to be a lot of grebe on the river today. We passed by these two which were swimming around the Island back channel as we paddled up it headed up the river.
Paddy’s rock area
We slowly worked our way up to Paddy’s rock which you can barely see up ahead.
We ran into Dan paddling down the river so we shot the bull with him for a bit before he continued on down the river. Steve and I hung out in the Paddy’s rock area enjoying the river. I spied this least grebe with a little fish it was trying to swallow and finally did.
Eventually we started back down the river and went past this loon which was nice enough to make a few loon calls for us. They have a nice sound.
Nice day
We are headed back to Jenner to calm water and a nice day.
I ran into this grebe as I was headed to the boat ramp.
Wood floors
After I put my boat on the car, I walked over to check out the visitor center. That’s their wooden floor boards stacked there on the deck. I’d say it didn’t fair well when things got flooded.
As I looked over the deck at the center I could see the sun was going down soon.
I went on home and that was pretty much my day. Oh, so far the coolant leak my car had, that I repaired yesterday, seems to not be leaking which is good.