Main Chicken Run Construction and Some Vegetable Starts

Wednesday May 16, 2018 Guerneville CA.

Another day on the chicken project

I started by cutting wire and attaching it to the rebar panels.panel


Vegetable starts

I was working away when my brother Tom came by in his golf cart and asked if I wanted any vegetable starts as he had some and was planting. I said sure.

But that meant I had to prep some more spots in the garden. Here’s the part of the garden where I wanted to plant the starts. Some of them are already in the


Digging up the ground

I dug up the ground here for some tomato starts.mounds


Here is one of the tomato starts just after I planted it.tomato


Squash and cucumber starts.squash


It took awhile to get all the starts in the ground but I was glad to have them as now I’ll have some veggies a couple weeks sooner.

Back to the panels

After a break I got back to putting the wire on the rebar panels.

I use the pig clips on the good side, uncut, but the cut side needs to be folded over and the ends turned to hold things together.

Here’s the cut side before folding the end under and bending the tabs to hold it together.wire


This piece is finished off, folded with the ends bent over. You can see where I used clips on the uncut side.wired


I finished the second panel just before dark and wanted to get it installed.panel2


Putting the panels up for the main chicken run

I installed the two panels I constructed today here which will be the main chicken


Here’s another view of the main chicken run area that I worked on today.run2


Wow blueberries

I got that done and it wasn’t quite dark yet, so I walked around the yard to check things out. I found a few blueberries ripe so I ate them. They are just starting to ripen so these are the first ones of the year.blueberries


Potato plants

The potato plants growing in the blueberry patch are doing well. That’s all the green plants you see that don’t have berries on them.potatoes


That is what I did today. Nice day.

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