Marty Visits and We Take My Old Toyota Up into the Forest For a Ride

Monday July 26, 2021 Guerneville CA.

Four wheeling

My friend Marty came by around noon with his old van like mine. We had some planning to do for a future trip up to Troy Oregon and of course we had lots of old van talk about mechanicing the old rigs.

So after a tour of the yard sampling what fruits are getting ripe I started up the old Toyota Land Cruiser and we rode up into the hills going first to the Guerneville overlook where I discovered I forgot my camera so no pictures.

I wanted to show him what I’d been doing on the trails but he can’t walk very far anymore so we did some four wheeling to get down the old road which is just above the waterfall. We sat above the dry water fall and shot the bull in the peaceful forest for a spell before moving on to ride around the forest some more on the way home.

That took most of the day and we got back just after 4 so Marty took off for home and I took off for a nap.

Weeds for the chicks

All that four wheeling tired me out but I did get back out in the yard in the evening and pulled some weeds and fed them to the chicks.chicks


And then I watered my citrus trees. This one is starting to push out some nice new growth.citrus


I sat out in the yard until just after the sun went down and this was my view from one of my


Nice day.

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